Introduction to Cannabis in Costa Rica

The topic of Cannabis in Costa Rica is one that has seen a lot of changes and evolutions over the years. This small Central American country has a complex relationship with cannabis, making it a subject of great importance and interest. The use of cannabis, both for medical and recreational purposes, has been a topic of debate and legislation in CR, reflecting the global trend towards a more liberal approach to this plant.



History of Cannabis in Costa Rica

Historically, the use of cannabis in CR has been influenced by a variety of factors. From the indigenous use of the plant for medicinal purposes to the influence of international drug policies, the history of cannabis in CR is a rich and complex one. Over time, the legislation regarding cannabis has seen significant changes. In the past, the use of cannabis was heavily criminalized, reflecting the global war on drugs. However, in recent years, there has been a shift towards a more liberal approach, particularly in relation to medical cannabis.



Current Legal Status of Cannabis in CR

The current legal status of cannabis in CR is of great interest. As of now, the use of medical cannabis is legal in CR, following the global trend toward recognizing the medicinal benefits of this plant. However, the recreational use of cannabis remains illegal. This distinction between medical and recreational use is a crucial aspect of the current cannabis laws in CR. For more detailed information about the current legal status of cannabis in CR, you can visit this Wikipedia page.



Public Perception and Usage of Cannabis

The public perception of cannabis in CR is varied. While there is a growing acceptance of the medicinal benefits of cannabis, the recreational use of the plant is still viewed with some skepticism. This is reflected in the current laws that allow for medical use but prohibit recreational use. Despite this, the prevalence of cannabis use in CR is relatively high. This suggests a disconnect between the legal status of cannabis and its actual use in society. For more insights into the public perception and usage of cannabis in Costa Rica, you can read this article.



Medical Cannabis in Costa Rica

In Costa Rica, the laws regarding medical cannabis are relatively straightforward. The use of cannabis for medical purposes is legal, provided that it is prescribed by a licensed medical professional. The process of obtaining medical cannabis involves getting a prescription from a doctor, which can then be filled at a licensed pharmacy. For more detailed information about the laws and process of obtaining medical cannabis in CR, you can visit this article.



Recreational Cannabis in CR

On the other hand, the laws regarding recreational cannabis in CR are more stringent. The recreational use of cannabis in Costa Rica is currently illegal, and there are significant consequences for those found to be violating these laws. These consequences can range from fines to imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense.



Cannabis Cultivation in Costa Rica

Cannabis cultivation in CR is subject to several laws and regulations. These laws are designed to control the production of cannabis and ensure that it is used for legal purposes only. Despite these restrictions, cannabis cultivation plays a significant role in the Costa Rican economy, providing jobs and income for many people.



Future of Cannabis in Costa Rica

The future of cannabis in CR is a topic of great interest. There are proposed changes to the current cannabis laws, potentially leading to the legalization of recreational cannabis. The impact of these changes could be significant, leading to increased economic activity and changes in public perception of cannabis.




The Introduction to Cannabis in Costa Rica reveals a complex and evolving landscape. From the historical context to the current legal status, public perception, and future prospects, cannabis is of great interest and importance. As the country continues to navigate its relationship with cannabis, it is clear that the conversation around this plant is far from over. Whether for medical or recreational use, cannabis will continue to play a significant role in Costa Rican society, economy, and legislation. As we progress, it will be interesting to see how CR continues to shape its cannabis policies and how this will impact both local and international levels.

-Written by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap).

[email protected]


Frequently Asked Questions


Is cannabis legal in Costa Rica?

Medical cannabis is legal in CR, but recreational cannabis is currently illegal.

How can I obtain medical cannabis in Costa Rica?

Medical cannabis can be obtained with a prescription from a licensed medical professional.

What are the consequences of recreational cannabis use in Costa Rica?

The consequences of recreational cannabis use can range from fines to imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense.

What is the future of cannabis in Costa Rica?

There are proposed changes to the current cannabis laws, potentially leading to the legalization of recreational cannabis.

How can I obtain medical cannabis in Costa Rica?

Medical cannabis can be obtained with a prescription from a licensed medical professional.

Is cannabis oil legal in Costa Rica?

Cannabis oil falls under the same laws as other cannabis products. It is legal for medical use with a prescription but illegal for recreational use.

What are the drug laws in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica has strict drug laws. While the use of drugs like cannabis is not criminalized, possession, trafficking, and sale are illegal and can result in severe penalties.

Is CBD legal in Costa Rica?

CBD is legal in CR as long as it does not contain THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis.

Can you bring a vape pen to Costa Rica?

You can bring a vape pen to Costa Rica, but it should not contain any illegal substances. If it contains cannabis, it must be medical cannabis, and you must have a valid prescription.

What are Nicknames and Street Names for Cannabis?

Marijuana, Weed, Pot, Reefer, Grass, Dope, Ganja, Mary Jane, Hash, Herb, Aunt Mary, Skunk, Boom, Chronic, Cheeba, Blunt, Ashes, Atshitshi, Baby Bhang, Bammy, Blanket, Bo-Bo, Bobo Bush, Bomber, Boom, Broccoli, Cripple, Dagga, Dinkie Dow, Ding, Dona Juana (or Juanita), Flower, Flower Tops, Ganja, GaspeGiggle Smoke, Good Giggles, Good Butt, Hot Stick, Jay, Jolly Green, Joy Smoke, Joy Stick, Roach, and others.



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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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