The detailed video above shows how to export furniture and two cars tax-free to Costa Rica!

Request shipping specialist Pablo via email here: [email protected]
-Credit to
(Watch Part 2 here)


A Guide to Tax Incentives for Shipping Your Car and Household Goods Tax-Free in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a popular destination for foreigners who want to live and settle in a new country. To further encourage this trend, the government of Costa Rica implemented tax incentives in 2021. These tax incentives were designed to make it easier for people to move to Costa Rica and ship their car and household goods tax-free to Costa Rica

However, implementing these tax incentives was still being determined at first. But as of 2023, the government has finally released some details on enforcing these tax incentive laws. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know.



Understanding the Tax Incentives for Shipping Your Car and Household Goods Tax-Free in Costa Rica

The tax incentives for shipping your car and household goods tax-free to Costa Rica are part of the government’s broader plan to attract foreign investment and promote economic growth. These incentives are available to anyone planning to move to Costa Rica and become a resident.

One of the most significant benefits of these incentives is that you can ship your car and household goods to Costa Rica tax-free. This means you will not have to pay import duties or taxes on these items. This can be a significant saving, especially if you are planning to bring many household items.



Requirements for Shipping Your Car and Household Goods Tax-Free in Costa Rica

To qualify for tax incentives, you must meet specific requirements. First, you must plan to move to Costa Rica and become a resident. This means you must obtain your residency status before you can tax-free ship your car and household goods.

You must also have owned your car and household goods for at least six months before shipping them to Costa Rica. This prevents people from buying new items and sending them tax-free to Costa Rica. Could you provide proof of ownership and the date of purchase for these items?

Finally, you must hire a licensed shipping agent to handle the transportation of your car and household goods. The agent will handle all the necessary paperwork and ensure your items are transported safely and legally to Costa Rica.



How to Apply for Tax Incentives for Shipping Your Car and Household Goods Tax-Free in Costa Rica

To apply for the tax incentives for shipping your car and household goods tax-free to Costa Rica, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Obtain your temporary residency status in Costa Rica
  2. Hire a licensed shipping agent to handle the transportation of your car and household goods
  3. Provide proof of ownership and the date of purchase for your car and household goods
  4. Apply for tax incentives with the Costa Rican government

I want to inform you that obtaining residency status in Costa Rica can take several months. Therefore, it is recommended that you start the process as early as possible for you if you don’t mind.

To learn more, click here.




Costa Rica’s tax incentives for shipping your car and household goods tax-free are an excellent opportunity for anyone planning to move to Costa Rica and become a resident. However, it is essential to understand the requirements and follow the necessary steps to qualify for these incentives.

If you are thinking about living in Costa Rica and shipping your belongings, it is recommended that you consult with a licensed shipping agent and a tax professional. They can provide you with more information and help you navigate the application process for tax incentives.

Costa Rica’s tax incentives for tax-free shipping your car and goods could significantly benefit anyone planning to move to Costa Rica. By following the requirements and steps, you can take advantage of these incentives and make your move to Costa Rica a more affordable and enjoyable experience for you.

The official government website to get started on your own is here.

-Written by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap).

[email protected]


Frequently Asked Questions

Who qualifies for tax incentives in Costa Rica?

Foreigners planning to move to Costa Rica and become residents are eligible for tax incentives.

What are the tax incentives for shipping your car and household goods tax-free in Costa Rica?

The tax incentives allow you to import your car and household goods tax-free within six months of obtaining residency.

Do I need to be a temporary resident to qualify for tax incentives in Costa Rica?

You must obtain temporary residency in Costa Rica to qualify for tax incentives.

Can I ship more than one car tax-free to Costa Rica?

No, you can only ship one car tax-free per family.

Can I sell my tax-free car in Costa Rica?

Yes, but you must wait three years before selling the car or paying the corresponding taxes.

What are the requirements to obtain tax incentives in Costa Rica?

It would be best to be a resident, have a valid passport, obtain a driver’s license in Costa Rica, and register your car and household goods with the government.

How long does processing the tax incentives application in Costa Rica take?

It can take up to 45 days to process the tax incentives application in Costa Rica.

Are there any restrictions on the type of household goods I can import tax-free to Costa Rica?

Yes, there are some restrictions on certain items, such as firearms, commercial goods, and certain types of electronics. Checking with the Costa Rican government before shipping your household goods is essential.


Fill out the form below to determine your residency category. Or click here!

  • First Step
  • Final Step

Select all options that apply to you

Pensionado (Pension/Disability) Category

Rentista (Fixed Income) Category

Inversionista (Investor) Category

Family ties with a Costa Rican Resident/Citizen Category

My residency company let me down

I am not sure.

Personal Information


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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

See If You Qualify For Residency Today!

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