Costa Rica enjoys Semana Santa / Holy Week From April 2nd – April 8th.

For 2023, there will be no vehicle restrictions or curfews!



What is Holy Week or Easter Week?

Holy Week, also known as Easter Week or Semana Santa, is a significant religious observance in Costa Rica and is celebrated by many Christian communities worldwide. Holy Week is a momentous occasion in Costa Rica marked by special masses, processions, and other religious events. The week leading up to Easter Sunday is filled with activities that commemorate the life and death of Jesus Christ, including the reenactment of the Last Supper, the washing of feet, and the Stations of the Cross. For many people in Costa Rica, Holy Week is a time for reflection, prayer, and spending time with loved ones. It is also a time for celebrating spring’s arrival and life’s renewal. Whether you are a devout Catholic or simply interested in experiencing the unique cultural traditions of Costa Rica, Holy Week is an event that should not be missed…



Celebrating Easter in Different Parts of the Country

Costa Rica is a diverse country with many different regions, each with unique traditions and customs. In the Central Valley, for example, the focus is on religious observances and processions, while on the Caribbean coast, there are more secular celebrations with music and dancing.



How to Prepare for Holy Week

To ensure a smooth and safe experience during Holy Week in Costa Rica, it is essential to prepare ahead of time. Here are a couple of tips to help you navigate the holidays:

  • Arrange your transportation. If you are traveling during Holy Week, you must plan your ride. Please use public transit, do not drink and drive, and have a designated driver.
  • Stock up on essential supplies. Many businesses and stores may be closed. Please ensure you have enough food, water, booze, and other critical supplies for a holiday.



The Religious Significance of Easter

Easter is a time of great religious significance for Christians worldwide, and Costa Rica is no exception. The country has a predominantly Catholic population, and Easter is celebrated enthusiastically and passionately. Many churches throughout the country hold special masses and processions to mark the occasion, and the streets are often decorated with colorful banners and streamers.



The Food of Easter

Like any other festival, food plays a vital role in Easter celebrations in Costa Rica. One of the most popular Easter dishes is the “Bacalao,” a salted cod dish traditionally served on Good Friday. This dish is usually accompanied by rice and beans and is a must-try for anyone visiting the country during Easter.



Traditional Easter Activities

Easter is a time for fun and recreation, and many traditional activities are associated with this festival in Costa Rica. One of the most popular activities is the “Judas Burning,” which is a symbolic burning of the effigy of Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Jesus. This event is usually held on Holy Saturday and attended by large crowds.



A Brief Overview of Holy Week in Costa Rica

Semana Santa is a week-long celebration that starts on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday. Holy Week is a time of religious observance, family gatherings, and community activities in Costa Rica. Throughout the week, the streets are adorned with colorful decorations, and the air is filled with music and the smell of traditional dishes.

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the Holy Week. In Costa Rica, people attend mass, carrying palm branches as a symbol of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. After the group, people take the palms home and display them on their doors or windows.

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday is the day of the Last Supper, a day of reflection and prayer. In Costa Rica, people attend mass, and in the evening, they participate in the procession of the Holy Sacrament. The parade displays faith beautifully as people walk behind the priest, carrying candles and singing hymns.

Good Friday

Good Friday is a day of mourning and sadness, as it commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus. In Costa Rica, people attend mass, and in the afternoon, they participate in the procession of the Via Crucis. The procession reenacts the fourteen stations of the cross, and it is a solemn and moving event.

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday is a day of reflection and preparation for the celebration of Easter. In Costa Rica, people attend mass and prepare for the traditional Easter Sunday meal. The meal usually includes a roasted pig or chicken, rice with vegetables, and a variety of salads and desserts.

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday is the day of the resurrection of Jesus, and it is a day of joy and celebration. In Costa Rica, people attend mass, and they also participate in the procession of the Resurrection. The parade is colorful and joyful, as people carry flowers and sing hymns.



Why Semana Santa is Important in Costa Rica

Semana Santa is an important event in Costa Rica because it is a time of religious observance and cultural expression. The Holy Week celebrations unite people, creating a sense of community and belonging. The week-long festivities also promote tourism, as many people worldwide come to Costa Rica to witness the vibrant celebrations.

The Holy Week also has a significant economic impact on the country. Many businesses close this week, and people are taking time off. However, the celebrations also bring a surge in tourism, which boosts the local economy. Hotels, restaurants, and souvenir shops benefit from the influx of visitors.




Easter is a particular time in Costa Rica, with a wide range of customs and traditions that are both religious and secular. From attending church services to enjoying traditional dishes, there is something for everyone during this festival. We hope this article has been informative and helpful in providing a better understanding of Easter in Costa Rica.

-Written by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap).

[email protected]


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of Easter in Costa Rica?

Easter is an important festival celebrated by the predominantly Catholic population of Costa Rica and is marked with special masses, processions, and other religious observances.

What are some traditional Easter foods in Costa Rica?

One of the most popular Easter dishes is the “Bacalao,” a salted cod dish traditionally served on Good Friday. Other traditional Easter foods include rice and beans and sweet breads.

What are some popular Easter activities in Costa Rica?

Some of the most popular Easter activities in Costa Rica include attending church services, participating in processions, enjoying traditional Easter foods, and burning effigies of Judas Iscariot.

What is the weather like in Costa Rica during Easter?

The weather in Costa Rica during Easter is usually warm and sunny, with occasional rain showers. It is important to pack appropriate clothing for both warm and cool weather.

Are there any particular Easter customs in different Costa Rica regions?

Yes, different Costa Rica regions have unique Easter customs and traditions. For example, in the Central Valley, the focus is on religious observances and processions, while on the Caribbean coast, there are more secular celebrations with music and dancing.

Is Easter a public holiday in Costa Rica?

Yes, Easter is a public holiday in Costa Rica, and many businesses and government offices are closed during this time.

Are there any safety concerns to be aware of when traveling to Costa Rica during Easter?

As with any famous festival, it is important to be aware of potential safety concerns such as pickpocketing and overcrowding. I also recommend you use caution when driving during a busy holiday.

What are some popular destinations to visit in Costa Rica during Easter?

Some popular destinations in Costa Rica during Easter include the capital city of San Jose, the beach towns of Manuel Antonio and Tamarindo, and the Arenal Volcano National Park.



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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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