Seniors Exempt from Citizenship Test in Costa Rica: What You Need to Know

If you are considering obtaining citizenship in Costa Rica, you may know that passing an exam is one of the requirements. This exam covers language and civics, including Costa Rican geography, general history, and the Spanish language. However, this exam can be difficult for many expats, especially seniors who may not feel confident in their language skills. The good news is that there are exemptions for those aged 65 and over and those with cognitive impairments.

Who is Exempt from the Citizenship Test?

The Supreme Elections Tribunal (TSE) reformed naturalization regulations to include two key exemptions. Firstly, applicants who are 65 years old or over are exempt from the citizenship test. Secondly, applicants who can prove they have cognitive problems that would make it difficult to pass the exam are also exempt.

Benefits of Citizenship in Costa Rica

While the citizenship exam may seem daunting, obtaining citizenship in Costa Rica can offer many benefits. For example, citizens have the right to vote, access to healthcare and education, and the ability to own property without restrictions. Citizenship can also provide security and belonging in your adopted country.

The Process of Obtaining Citizenship

In addition to passing the citizenship exam, there are other requirements for obtaining citizenship in Costa Rica. Applicants must exhibit good behavior and establish a source of income. They must also demonstrate proficiency in Spanish by speaking, reading, and writing the language. Applicants must also undergo a comprehensive exam on the history of the country and its values. Finally, applicants must swear to respect the constitutional order of the Republic and demonstrate that they will reside in Costa Rica regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have more questions about obtaining citizenship in Costa Rica, check out our article on the benefits of citizenship. We cover common questions such as how long it takes to obtain citizenship and whether dual citizenship is allowed.

In conclusion, seniors considering obtaining citizenship in Costa Rica should know they may be exempt from the citizenship test. This exemption can make the process less daunting and more accessible for those hesitant to take the exam. As with any major life decision, it’s important to do your research and consider all of the benefits and requirements before making a decision.

-Written by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap).

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to apply for citizenship in Costa Rica?

Applicants must demonstrate good behavior, a source of income, Spanish language proficiency, and knowledge of Costa Rican history and values.

What are the benefits of obtaining citizenship in Costa Rica?

Citizenship offers access to healthcare and education, property ownership, voting rights, and a sense of security and belonging.

How long does it take to obtain citizenship in Costa Rica?

The process can take up to 18 months, depending on various factors, such as the applicant’s specific circumstances.

Can I maintain dual citizenship in Costa Rica?

Yes, Costa Rica allows dual citizenship, so you can maintain your existing citizenship while becoming a citizen of Costa Rica.

Is passing the citizenship exam a requirement for all applicants?

No, seniors aged 65 and over and those with cognitive impairments are exempt from the citizenship exam.

How can I prove my source of income when applying for citizenship?

Applicants can provide various types of documentation, such as tax returns, bank statements, or proof of employment or business ownership.

What is the language requirement for obtaining citizenship in Costa Rica?

Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in Spanish by speaking, reading, and writing the language.

What is the constitutional order of the Republic of Costa Rica?

The constitutional order of the Republic of Costa Rica refers to the set of principles and laws that govern the country, including the protection of human rights and democratic values. Applicants must swear to respect this order as part of the citizenship process.

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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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