Protecting Your Property Title Theft in Costa Rica

At CRIE, we understand the importance of safeguarding your property from title theft in Costa Rica. Property ownership is a significant investment, and ensuring its security is paramount. This comprehensive guide will provide actionable steps and expert advice to protect your property from title theft and related risks. The following measures can fortify your property’s legal standing and mitigate potential threats.

Understand the Risks

Comprehending the various risks of property title theft in Costa Rica is crucial. By being aware of these potential threats, you can proactively take steps to prevent them. Some common risks include:

  • Fraudulent title transfers
  • Forged signatures or documents
  • Property scams and dishonest sellers
  • Unlawful encumbrances or liens

How to protect yourself from title theft in Costa Rica

To prevent title theft in Costa Rica, it is important to take several preventive measures, such as:

  • Engage an experienced attorney specializing in real estate law in Costa Rica.
  • Conduct a thorough title search to identify any existing issues or encumbrances on the property.
  • Verify the identity and authenticity of the seller before entering into any property transaction.
  • Secure title insurance to provide coverage against potential title defects or encumbrances.
  • Please exercise caution when granting powers of attorney, ensuring they are appropriately drafted and limited in scope.
  • Register your property correctly with the Registro Nacional to establish legal ownership.
  • Stay informed about changes in Costa Rican property laws and regulations.
  • Implement security measures such as surveillance cameras, alarm systems, and secure storage for valuable items.
  • Participate in neighborhood watch programs to foster community cooperation and deter criminal activity.
  • Be cautious with personal information and avoid sharing sensitive details with unauthorized individuals.

Engage an Experienced Attorney

One of the first and most crucial steps to protect your property title is to engage a reputable and experienced attorney specializing in real estate law in Costa Rica. An attorney well-versed in local property regulations and legal procedures will be instrumental in guiding you through the process and ensuring your interests are safeguarded.

Conduct a Thorough Title Search

A comprehensive title search is essential to identify any current issues or encumbrances on the property. This search should be conducted by a qualified professional who thoroughly examines public records, including the Registro Nacional (National Registry) of Costa Rica. The goal is to ensure the property’s title is clear and free from potential disputes or irregularities.

Verify Seller’s Identity and Authenticity

Before entering into any property transaction, it is vital to verify the identity and authenticity of the seller. This includes conducting background checks, confirming ownership rights, and ensuring they possess the legal authority to sell the property. Always be cautious of sellers who refuse to provide the necessary documentation or exhibit suspicious behavior.

Secure Title Insurance

Obtaining title insurance is an additional layer of protection for your property title. Title insurance policies can provide coverage against losses resulting from title defects, liens, or encumbrances not discovered during the initial title search. This insurance can offer financial security and peace of mind should any unforeseen issues arise.

Exercise Caution with Powers of Attorney

When granting a power of attorney to someone to act on your behalf, exercise caution. It is recommended to consult with your attorney to ensure that a power of attorney is drafted correctly, limited in scope and that the person appointed is trustworthy and reliable. Misuse of a power of attorney can potentially result in fraudulent property transactions.

Register Your Property Correctly

Once you have acquired a property in Costa Rica, it is crucial to register it correctly with the Registro Nacional. This step ensures your ownership rights are legally recognized and provides an official property record. Failure to register your property leaves it vulnerable to title theft and disputes.

Stay Informed of Property Law Changes

Property laws and regulations can evolve. To stay ahead and protect your property title, staying informed about any changes or updates in Costa Rican property law is essential. Regularly consult with your attorney, stay updated with official publications, and consider joining local real estate associations or forums for valuable insights and updates.


Protecting your property title in Costa Rica is an ongoing process that requires vigilance, thoroughness, and professional guidance. By implementing the measures above and working closely with a knowledgeable attorney, you can significantly reduce the risk of title theft and ensure the long-term security of your investment. Safeguarding your property title is an investment in your peace of mind and protecting your assets.

-Written by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap).

[email protected]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the right of possession of the real estate in Costa Rica?

The right of possession in real estate in Costa Rica refers to the legal claim and ownership of a property. It signifies that an individual or entity has lawful possession and control over the property, usually supported by proper documentation and registration.

Can US citizens own property in Costa Rica?

Yes, US citizens can own property in Costa Rica. Costa Rica allows foreign nationals, including US citizens, to acquire and own property within its borders. Working with a reputable attorney is essential to navigate the legal processes involved in purchasing and owning property as a foreigner.

Are there squatters’ rights in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica does have squatters’ rights, which are known as “posesión irregular” or “usucapión.” These rights grant individuals who have occupied a property for a certain period without the owner’s objection the possibility of obtaining legal ownership under specific circumstances. However, it is crucial to note that the process and requirements for squatters’ rights can be complex and often involve legal proceedings.

Why do houses in Costa Rica have bars on windows?

Bars on windows are standard in Costa Rica and serve as a security measure. They act as a deterrent against burglaries, providing an extra layer of protection by making it more difficult for intruders to access the property through windows—the bars are designed to maintain the property’s aesthetic appeal while ensuring enhanced security.

How long can I stay in Costa Rica if I own property?

If you own property in Costa Rica, there is no specific time limit on how long you can stay. As a foreign property owner, you can visit Costa Rica as a tourist for up to 180 days at a time. After the initial 90-day period, you can leave the country and re-enter to obtain a new tourist visa, allowing you to stay for an additional 180 days.

However, if you wish to stay in Costa Rica for an extended period without having to leave and re-enter every 180 days, you can apply for temporary or permanent residency. Residency options include categories such as rentista (income-based), pensionado (retiree), and inversions (investor), among others. Each category has specific requirements and benefits, so it is advisable to consult with an immigration attorney or specialist to determine the most suitable option for your circumstances.

How long can you live in Costa Rica without residency?

As a tourist, you can live in Costa Rica for up to 180 days without residency. After 180 days, you must leave the country and re-enter to obtain a new tourist visa, allowing you to stay another 180 days.

However, if you plan to live in Costa Rica long-term, exploring the various residency options available, as mentioned earlier, is recommended. Residency provides legal status and additional benefits, including the ability to reside in the country for an extended period without exiting and re-entering every 180 days.

Can you own beach property in Costa Rica?

Yes, it is possible to own beach property in Costa Rica. The Costa Rican constitution guarantees the right of private property ownership, including beachfront properties. However, it is important to know specific regulations and restrictions that may apply to coastal zones, such as the Maritime Zone Law (Ley de Zona Marítimo Terrestre).

The Maritime Zone Law establishes that the first 200 meters from the high tide line are considered public domain, and special permits or concessions may be required for certain activities within this zone. It is crucial to consult with an attorney specializing in coastal property regulations to ensure compliance with the law and to navigate any specific requirements for owning beach property in Costa Rica.

Can property theft occur in Costa Rica?

Yes, property theft can occur in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is not immune to property theft or related crimes like any other country. However, you can significantly reduce the risk by implementing preventive measures and staying vigilant.

What are the common methods used for property theft in Costa Rica?

Common methods used for property theft in Costa Rica include burglary, unauthorized occupation of vacant properties, fraudulent title transfers, forgery of signatures or documents, and property scams perpetrated by fraudulent sellers.

How can I identify potential signs of property theft?

Potential signs of property theft can include sudden changes in property ownership records, unauthorized individuals occupying or attempting to occupy the property, forged documents or signatures related to property transactions, missing or tampered property documents, and unusual or suspicious activities in and around the property.

What should I do if I suspect my property is being targeted for theft?

If you suspect your property is being targeted for theft, it is crucial to take immediate action. Contact your attorney and local authorities to report your concerns and provide them with any evidence or information you have gathered. They can guide you on the appropriate steps to protect your property and initiate necessary investigations.

Are there any specific areas or regions in Costa Rica where property theft is more prevalent?

Property theft can occur in various regions of Costa Rica, and it is not limited to specific areas. While crime rates may vary between locations, it is essential to take precautionary measures regardless of the region to ensure the security of your property.

Does having security measures in place guarantee protection against property theft?

While security measures significantly enhance your property’s protection, it does not guarantee absolute immunity against property theft. Security measures, such as surveillance cameras, alarm systems, and sturdy locks, act as deterrents and increase the chances of preventing theft. However, it is important to remain vigilant and take a comprehensive approach to security, including legal precautions and proactive measures.

What legal actions can be taken if property theft occurs?

If property theft occurs, you must immediately contact your attorney and report the incident to the local authorities. Your attorney will guide you on the legal actions that can be taken, including filing a police report, gathering evidence, working with law enforcement agencies, and pursuing legal remedies through the court system to recover the stolen property or seek compensation.



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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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